Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hair Trauma

This didn't even happen to me. It happened to a friend of mine, K. But it was so horrific, *I'm* traumatized on her behalf. (No, keep reading. Not trauma, trauma. Adolescent girl trauma)

K used to go to lots of summer camps. They sounded wonderful. Never having been, I hung on every little detail. I so would not be the cranky one on Survivor who doesn't want to hear about the fabulous reward dinner the other ones had. I want every little juicy detail. Viva la vicariousity. (I call first dibs on coining that monstrosity)

Well, one fateful camp summer K and her beautiful, wispy long brown hair were taking a shower. And shampooing. And those of you with long hair know you have to do the double wash. It seems that the boys in camp had filled her shampoo bottle with something that should never under any circumstances be put in a shampoo bottle. Can you guess? Has your stomach dropped? Damn, mine has and this isn't even my memory.

Nair. After carefully scrubbing it into her scalp, twice, she started rinsing her hair and felt it stretching and falling out in clumps. And she's in middle school. And they're waiting for her outside the shower house. And laughing.

I don't remember how the story ends, I think I mentally blacked out after she said Nair. Something about hats. Lots of hats.

More hair trauma stories tomorrow. Anyone else have one?


Jim Chandler said...

>>anyone else have one??<<

Are you serious? My LIFE is a hair trauma story.

Life throws you surprises! said...

wow that is of the worst tricks I have heard in awhile. I was of coarse thinking nasty before reading nair.
A friend dyed my hair once and left it in too long and when I rinsed I had purplish highlights.

Lisa said...

When I was a varsity cheerleader in high school, there was a sophomore girl on junior varsity that had hair down to her knees. On game days, she always wore it in a pony tail.

For homecoming, the jv cheerleaders would get to join varsity to cheer at the game. At halftime, a bunch of mean girls went up behind her and cut her entire ponytail off at the rubberband! (They were suspended.)

Yep, she looked even better in short hair when she won the Sophomore Homecoming Princess crown. Good for her. Take that, mean girls! (I was NOT a mean girl. I was and am a LOVE girl. Feel the love.)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.